• The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) recently hosted the 15th Annual Biofuels: Science and Sustainability Tour

    The 2024 Biofuels Tour highlighted northwest Iowa as well as Sioux Falls, South Dakota. [MORE]

  • Sustainable Aviation Fuel: Taking the Midwest Economy to New Heights

    Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF) production provides a substantial opportunity for Midwestern states, Midwestern farmers, and Midwestern renewable fuel producers to prosper in the coming years. [MORE]

  • The Future of Biofuels Depends on Carbon Capture

    Iowa has the opportunity to lead the nation in tackling carbon emissions by allowing Carbon Capture Storage projects. [MORE]

  • Fueling Your Vehicle

    Learn all you need to know about fueling your vehicle with homegrown renewable fuels like ethanol and biodiesel. [MORE]

  • Biodiesel. Better for Iowa. Better for Farmers. Better for Your Engine.

    Learn more about biodiesel, a cleaner-burning homegrown biofuel that boosts engine performance, while adding value to Iowa's crops and livestock. [MORE]

About Us

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) brings together Iowa biofuel producers to foster the development and growth of the state’s renewable fuels industry through education, promotion and infrastructure development. IRFA is committed to maintaining Iowa’s leadership in renewable fuels and value- added co-products production.

Leading the Way to a Greener Future

Iowa is the country’s leading producer of ethanol and biodiesel with 42 ethanol plants capable of producing 4.7 billion gallons and 10 biodiesel plants with the production capacity of 416 million gallons. Today’s biofuel producers are constantly working on increasing efficiencies and reducing emissions. As the nation works toward a greener future, Iowa biofuels stand ready to be a part of the low-carbon solution that will get us there.

Questions? Reach out.

Whether you’re a retailer looking to learn more about offering biofuel blends or a consumer just hoping to learn more about what biofuel blend is best for your vehicle, IRFA is here to help.

Get in Touch