Low-Cost, Homegrown E15 is Now Available in Iowa, Again
September 16, 2013
Press Contact: T.J. Page
IRFA Launches Statewide E15 Promotion Campaign
JOHNSTON, IOWA –The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) announced today that Iowa’s motorists can once again benefit from cheaper, cleaner, more homegrown E15. E15 is a fuel blend of 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent gasoline that is now available at a significant discount to regular, unleaded gasoline at several locations in Iowa. E15 is approved by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for use in all 2001 and newer passenger vehicles.
“We’re excited to see E15 back in Iowa. E15 provides many Iowans another low cost option compared to gasoline,” stated IRFA Executive Director Monte Shaw. “Based on conversations with retailers, consumers choosing E15 this morning have saved at least 20 cents per gallon compared to regular unleaded with no ethanol.”
Iowa’s E15 retailers reported earlier this year that consumers had absolutely zero issues with registered E15 fueling, labeling, and engine performance when it was previously available from September 15, 2012 through May 31, 2013. Iowa’s E15 retailers also reported that E15 was sold at an average of nearly a 22-cent discount to regular (no ethanol) gasoline, and at nearly an 11-cent discount to E10, the most commonly used fuel in the nation. For more on the E15 Retailer Survey, please click here.
“I know Marion-area motorists are happy to once again have low-cost E15 as an option,” stated Linn Coop Oil Company Service Manager Jim Becthold. “When stations like Linn Coop are able to provide true fuel choice by not only offering E10, but also E15 and E85, the consumer wins.”
The IRFA previously released the results of a new analysis that shows a pending shift in the fuels carried in pipelines that service Iowa will lead to E15 being the lowest-cost option for many retailers. To view the E15 economic analysis, please click here.
E15 Promotion Launched
The IRFA also recently launched a new promotion campaign to promote E15 statewide and to highlight the availability of E15 at specific fueling locations in Iowa. The campaign features statewide radio ads and postcard mailings encouraging Iowa motorist to try the low-cost, environmentally-friendly fuel.
While several stations are in the process of registering, today E15 is available for all 2001 and newer vehicles at these eight Iowa locations:
- Linn Coop Oil
- 325 35th St. in Marion, Iowa
- Fredericksburg Coop
- 300 W. Main St. in Fredericksburg, Iowa
- Kountry Korner
- 312 E. Buchanan St. in Baxter, Iowa
- Fast Stop
- 22268 Highway 9 West in Cresco, Iowa
- Popke’s Inc.
- Intersection of Highway 9 and Highway 75 in Rock Rapids, Iowa
- Sperry One Stop
- 516 Highway 141 in Coon Rapids, Iowa
- Grab & Go
- 401 South 4th St. in Mapleton, Iowa
- Famers Cooperative
- 304 North Osage St. in Creston, Iowa
E15, a blend of gasoline and 15 percent ethanol, can be used by all 2001 and newer passenger vehicles and all flexible fuel vehicles (FFVs). Those vehicles account for 85 percent of fuel use in the United States. In order to offer E15 to non-FFVs, a retailer must register with the EPA. IRFA works with retailers to ensure they comply with all federal and state E15 regulations
Iowa is the leader in renewable fuels production. Iowa has 41 ethanol refineries capable of producing over 3.7 billion gallons annually, with one wet mill and three cellulosic ethanol facilities currently under construction. In addition, Iowa has 12 biodiesel facilities with the capacity to produce nearly 315 million gallons annually.
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association was formed in 2002 to represent the state’s liquid renewable fuels industry. The trade group fosters the development and growth of the renewable fuels industry in Iowa through education, promotion, legislation and infrastructure development.