Letter: Make a difference this Earth Day

By Lucy Norton, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association Managing Director
Published in Cedar Rapids Gazette

In recent years, Cedar Rapids has taken great strides toward sustainability. From upgrading city lights to adopting an idling reduction policy for municipal vehicles, the city is on its way to becoming one of the most sustainable areas in Iowa.

Fortunately, even when some city vehicles are idling, they are burning earth-friendly biofuels — reducing the amount of cancer-causing chemicals and greenhouse gases in the air. Not only are biofuels like ethanol good for environmental and human health, but also engine health. Ethanol’s high octane content means vehicles burn fuel more efficiently, improving engine performance.

This Earth Day, it’s not just the City of Cedar Rapids that can make a difference. Anyone reading this letter can take steps to improve the environment. All vehicles 2001 and newer are approved by the Environmental Protection Agency to use E15, a fuel made of 15 percent ethanol and 85 percent petroleum. Try a higher ethanol blend to help safeguard the environment for years to come.