Over 800 Biofuels Supporters Sign IRFA’s Comments on EPA RFS Rule
November 27, 2019
Contact: Cassidy Walter
JOHNSTON, IOWA – Today the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association submitted comments to EPA signed by over 800 biofuels supporters urging EPA to “stick to President Trump’s deal” and ensure biofuel demand is not destroyed by small refinery exemptions (SREs) to the Renewable Fuel Standard.
“While the deal President Trump announced on October 4th ensured that RFS blend levels would be met, this EPA proposal removes that certainty,” the comments stated. “Stick to President Trump’s deal and restore certainty to the market so that ethanol and biodiesel plants can continue to provide high-quality fuel that is good for our environment, reduces our dependence on foreign oil, and enhances engine performance.”
The comments, signed by 801 biofuels supporters, addresses EPA’s recent Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) proposal, which was supposed to account for biofuel demand destroyed by SREs. However, instead of accounting for SREs based on the number of exemptions actually granted, the EPA rule proposes accounting for them based on U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) recommendations, which have historically been about half of what EPA actually granted. In the past three years, EPA has granted 85 SREs, destroying over 4 billion gallons of biofuel demand.
“The demand destruction caused by small refinery exemptions is hurting ethanol and biodiesel plants across the country and in my community,” the comments stated. “These biofuels plants provide good-paying jobs in small towns and a boost to farmers, who are also facing uncertainty in a global market due to trade disputes…It is important that EPA base future small refinery exemption estimations on the average number of actual waived gallons, not DOE recommendations, in order to guarantee the integrity of the RFS.”
The deadline to submit comments to EPA on the supplemental rule is Friday, November 29th. EPA is expected to issue a final rule before the end of the year.
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association represents the state’s liquid renewable fuels industry and works to foster its growth. Iowa is the nation’s leader in renewable fuels production with 43 ethanol refineries capable of producing over 4.5 billion gallons annually – including 34 million gallons of annual cellulosic ethanol production capacity – and 11 biodiesel facilities with the capacity to produce nearly 400 million gallons annually. For more information, visit the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association website at: www.IowaRFA.org.