Iowa Federal Candidates Take United Stance Against Anti-Biofuels Legislation

All Federal Candidates Respond to IRFA, IBB Letter

Contact: Cassidy Walter

JOHNSTON, IA – Iowa federal candidates have taken a united public stance against legislation introduced in Congress that would destroy biofuel demand.

Last week the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association (IRFA) and Iowa Biodiesel Board (IBB) sent an open letter to candidates running for federal office in Iowa asking them to take a public stand against legislation that would ban biofuel-powered vehicles by 2035. All ten of the candidates declared opposition to such legislation.

“We thank Iowa’s candidates for taking such a strong, united stance against this attempt to remove biofuels from being part of our energy future,” said IRFA Executive Director Monte Shaw. “This bill that completely ignores the emission reductions possible today and in the future from biofuels. Rather than taking a technology-neutral approach that would allow the market to decide the best way to meet emission standards, this bill disregards all of the investment farmers and biofuels producers have made into increasing efficiency and ensuring biofuels continue to get greener and greener with each passing year.”

“One of the best ways to reduce carbon emissions today – and in future cars and trucks – is through low-carbon liquid fuels such as biodiesel,” said IBB Executive Director Grant Kimberley. “While we support an all-of-the-above strategy, including electric vehicle technology, we applaud the key federal leaders and potential leaders who are on the record saying they will not side with one specific technology at the expense of others that support the use of biofuels. Biofuels have earned the opportunity to compete in the low-carbon economy.”

To view the letter IRFA and IBB sent to candidates, click here.

To view the candidates’ responses, click here.

The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association represents the state’s liquid renewable fuels industry and works to foster its growth. Iowa is the nation’s leader in renewable fuels production with 43 ethanol refineries capable of producing over 4.5 billion gallons annually – including 34 million gallons of annual cellulosic ethanol production capacity – and 11 biodiesel facilities with the capacity to produce nearly 400 million gallons annually. For more information, visit the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association website at:
