Senate Infrastructure Bill’s Tunnel Vision on Electric Vehicles Misses Carbon Reduction Opportunity with Biofuels
August 10, 2021
Contact: Cassidy Walter
JOHNSTON, IOWA – Today the U.S. Senate passed the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act that provides funding for road and bridge repairs and broadband access. The bill also included $7.5 billion in funding for an electric vehicle (EV) charger network while ignoring infrastructure needs to increase consumer access to higher blends of biofuels.
In response, Iowa Renewable Fuels Association Executive Director Monte Shaw made the following statement:
“The singular focus on EVs instead of carbon reduction is hurting the environment, the Midwest economy and farmers specifically. Biofuels like ethanol and biodiesel made here in Iowa are reducing carbon emissions by roughly 50 percent or more today. And unlike EVs, biofuels are on the path to being carbon negative in less than a decade. Coastal elites should embrace multiple solutions to our environmental challenges instead of DC-based ‘one size fits all’ approach. This was a huge missed opportunity to expand consumer access to a low-cost, low-carbon fuel for the vehicles actually on the roads today.
“While disappointed with the outcome, we want to thank biofuel champions like Senators Chuck Grassley and Joni Ernst for bringing forward amendments to address the concerns of farmers and biofuels producers. While these amendments were not allowed a vote in the Senate, we’ll continue to work with Iowa’s delegation to push for pro-biofuel changes when the bill goes to the House.”
The Iowa Renewable Fuels Association represents the state’s liquid renewable fuels industry and works to foster its growth. Iowa is the nation’s leader in renewable fuels production with 42 ethanol refineries capable of producing 4.5 billion gallons annually – including 34 million gallons of annual cellulosic ethanol production capacity – and 11 biodiesel facilities with the capacity to produce 410 million gallons annually. For more information, visit the Iowa Renewable Fuels Association website at: